Secretary of Pennington County GOP running for D34 House, already attacking her opponents in awful press release.

So I got an odd press release yesterday from ‘Heather Baxter’ from who is announcing her candidacy for South Dakota District 34 House. If you’re not familiar with Baxter, she’s the secretary of the Pennington County GOP, and along with Phil Jensen has sued the Pennington County Auditor a couple of times in the last year (51CIV22-001283, 51CIV22-001288) over something or another, costing taxpayers money for the hiring of outside counsel with expertise in elections.

And now, she’s apparently got a beef with the incumbents in District 34 House, as included in her announcement..

Who ever cobbled together her utterly gobbledygook of a press release needs to work on formatting when they’re cutting and pasting, because the end product that arrived in mailboxes was a mess. And I haven’t gotten to the content yet.

“My decision to run for office is deeply influenced by the lack of responsive leadership we see from our elected officials,” Baxter said, “we deserve leadership that hears, understands and cares for the people’s needs in the South Dakota Legislature, just like we would a patient.”

That’s just awful, and could stand to be trimmed up by half, if not 2/3.  Is the point of a press release getting a point across that someone will actually use, or self-aggrandizing?

The campaign season has begun. I have no doubt this is not the last awful communication we’re going to read from a candidate.

4 thoughts on “Secretary of Pennington County GOP running for D34 House, already attacking her opponents in awful press release.”

  1. Wingnuts of the Pennington County GOP are just as the name implies, NUTS!! Fortunately Dist 34 hasn’t shown a propensity to ever elect those nuts. Taffy and Heather will be nasty throughout the campaign but 34 never falls for such foolishness. Mike Derby, Becky Drury and Jason Green are solid, intelligent candidates. The wingnuts are absolutely nuts!

  2. She is no “Reagan Republican” She doesn’t even know what that means. She is Posse Comitatas, John Birch or maybe even a Freeman in her radical beliefs. She is the party of Jodie Frye, Julie Frye Mueller and Shad Olson, who are NOT Republicans, but right-wing nut cases.

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