So there was a fundraiser in Sioux Falls last night…

So there was a fundraiser in Sioux Falls last evening.  What do I know about what took place?

It was well attended, and the mood was very upbeat. It was a wide mix of community members, including current and former legislators, long time activists and people getting involved in their first campaign. There was everyone from college students to the retired, and a gamut of people from the height of Sioux Falls’ business community to small business people who shovel their own walks.  You might have even caught a glimpse of a city councilor or two.

There’s definitely an appetite for a change in the culture of the Sioux Falls City Council. More than one person noted anecdotally about the incumbent city councilor … well, lashing out at them, for lack of a better term. You did hear business people note they were weary of being considered an enemy as opposed to a valued parter in the future of the city.

But those were just momentary anecdotes among attendees, because it was a very convivial group who were all there to support Alex Jensen.  It was a friendly crowd of over 100 who were all glad to get together, and committed to helping Jensen make this a strong campaign effort.

Jensen, a former State Representative, did most of his talking one-on-one, speaking with everyone individually before giving some brief remarks about his vision for Sioux Falls and how he wants to work with people if elected.

For an opening event very early in the campaign, this was a strong show of support that will help Jensen further his goal of winning the Sioux Falls At-Large City Council seat in April of next year.

8 thoughts on “So there was a fundraiser in Sioux Falls last night…”

  1. This blue print has been marginally successful over the years by establishment top down politicians.

    Daugaard had mixed results removing various senators and representatives who clashed with his agenda.

    Some like Stace Nelson are so entrenched in a district that they can’t lose. The people support them.

    Stehly really put her finger in the eye of Noem and Tenhaken by saying Noem should pay for Trump’s fundraiser. Then recently (though recent events really don’t impact why they want her gone as all of this was in the making for a long time).

    If SF wouldn’t have changed their election laws Stehly would be in good shape. As is only time will tell.

    1. ..and that’s kind of an “anti-establishment” rant, as opposed to actually discussing the event.

      I don’t think this has anything to do with the fundraiser last night.

  2. Elections ideally shouldn’t be about voting against a candidate you don’t like, but rather about voting FOR a candidate you do like. I got to know Alex while serving with him in the legislature. I know him to be a thoughtful, smart and hard-working servant — the kind of guy that can help make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. I’m going to encourage my friends and family from SF to vote for him.

  3. I am always interested in the meatier finger foods and heavy apps. How were those, and were there enough for the large crowd that turned out for young Mr. Jensen’s coming out party? He’s going to be a really good councilor for the city.

  4. This challenge to Teresa stinks to high heaven. I am Conservative and I appreciate Stehly challenging all the BS going on Sioux Falls as someone has to stand up. This has the appearance of the powers that be lining up someone to replace her so we can have another rubber stamper on the council to piss away our tax dollars on unnecessary items. You may not like her approach but, she has a large following of both Conservative and Liberals in Sioux Falls and that’s rare. I think the SD GOP has forgotten what Conservativism is all about – Limited Government and Fiscal responsibility. If you honestly believe she is the problem with the City Council and not the others who voted for the Bunker Ramp downtime then you need your head examined. Everyone who voted for that after knowing all the background on the group financing should have resigned. We now spent 20Million on a worthless parking ramp.

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