The last gasp of the Isaac Latterell for Senate campaign

A few minutes ago, I was alerted to a video premiering about how Isaac Latterell’s “liberal opponents and deep-pocketed special interests” are “donating thousands to stop him from returning to Pierre.”

Instead, we got this:

So, everyone who opposes Latterell, who protested the nomination of Donald Trump with a facepalm at the last Republican National convention, is a “liberal” or a “corrupt interest?”

Sorry. Given his inactivity during the campaign.. I don’t think it was a liberal cabal who wanted to see the State Representative go. I suspect it was a meeting of the minds across the political spectrum.  You could dislike him for being anti-Trump. You could dislike him for being an anti-vaxxer.  There is just something for everyone to dislike.

Hence, his level of non-support that’s remarkable for an incumbent State Representative.   And you can mark this video as the last gasp of the Isaac Latterell for Senate campaign.

May it rest in peace.

10 thoughts on “The last gasp of the Isaac Latterell for Senate campaign”

  1. “There is just something for everyone to dislike”


    Because usually when making tough-but-good decisions, a leader should worry about being liked?

    The liberal cabal in SD slashed its own tires as it found itself in bed with these strange deep state virus-mongers.

    Any neocon finding themselves in the same bed might want to consider full-bodied political protection.

    Ignorant line toting empty suit politicians need not apply?

    We want substance, right?

    All steak, sizzle is tertiary?

    Language warning accompanies these warnings that were perfectly described and predicted by – insert name of he who shall not be named – over a decade ago:

  2. Note the willingness to swat and kill annoying insects on display at the 1:02 mark…quick reflexes…

  3. 45 seconds of dead air at the end?

    Who is the pro abortion person he is referencing?

  4. I would have thought he could have found a better place – other than a busy highway – to shoot a video. That said, in the past I’ve found Rep. Latterell to be dismissive, unreliable and downright rude when it comes to trying to work on legislation and other fundamental governance topics. Sounds more like a JFM conspiracy theorist than a candidate for the legislature. Bottom line, stick to the issues that we need to focus on for South Dakota and not this nonsense.

  5. Isaac’s demise was indeed tying into “the group” that uses shaming and bully tactics to divide Republicans. Sad.

  6. Per Rep Latterell’s own words, “bringing the truth forward”, so as I’ve said in a previous article on this site, Latterell is an unethical con man. There are many, many truths of his unethical behavior with absolutely no remorse or personal accountability on his part. Those actions have reduced his reputation to zero as shown by his financial report that NOT ONE PAC of any nature wanted him re-elected and gave him not one penny! That is truly a powerful repudiation of him both personally and legislatively.

    May he never again be elected to another public office in the State of South Dakota.

    1. Would he try again in Brown County? There has to be some district in South Dakota this opportunist could move to and be elected.

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