Another D17 House candidate doing odd things. Tells voters he is “prepared for people to be offended by his stances.”

This week, while one District 17 House Republican challenger is in the greybar hotel telling officers about the CIA Cameras in her teeth, you’d think that we would hit the limit for odd things that candidates do. But this year, our cup appears to runneth over.

Carson Merkwan, another challenger Republican for District 17 House, is on social media and happens to be telling those following his facebook that he is prepared for people to be offended by his stances:

“A negative perception will be inevitable in today’s polarized landscape no matter how positive someone intends to be if they are willing to make meaningful stands. He is prepared for people to be offended by his stances.”

I look at this kind of statement and just ask, “Why?”  “Why on earth would a person think that this makes people want to vote for them?

I’ve interacted with Carson before, and found him to be personable, and seemed to even care about serving his community on local boards.  So, why would he run a campaign saying up front that he’s going to offend people? It just defies logic, and is illustrative of the state of politics our country is in.

There are a class of politicians who operate under the misguided notion that elections are won by division.  That could not be farther from the truth, and the kind of thinking that is going to put Democrats back in office in the state.

Elections are won by bringing people together and building a coalition in support of your cause or candidacy. No one is saying you have to want to snuggle up to everyone, but to find common goals.   Plenty of politicians quote Reagan, citing “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.”  But nowadays if you aren’t walking in complete lockstep, there’s going to be an ideological, or maybe even a January 6 style physical throwdown.

Candidates, don’t do this. It’s not good for your election. And even worse for the state of politics.

11 thoughts on “Another D17 House candidate doing odd things. Tells voters he is “prepared for people to be offended by his stances.””

  1. It’s primaries like District 17’s that should make it obvious why jungle primaries are a really bad idea

  2. These challengers are absurd. Kassin and Shorma are just fine; these idiots will lose the general election. Same for Sydney Davis. This is Vermillion, let’s remember we are lucky to even have Republicans in power here.

  3. Merkwan is a well known name in that area. Merkwans have been prominent in the Yankton area for years in fields ranging from Agriculture to Athletics. Name recognition won’t be a problem for this young man. Now he needs to find political positions compatible with the voters in this district.

    1. Carson what are your views and stances that we or some are supposed to be offended by? Supporting law enforcement? Keeping taxes low?

      1. Follow me on twitter.

        But ones that offend the most are:

        Life begins at conception.
        All arms laws are infringements.
        The government has no business manipulating media and social media for political bias.
        No vaccines should ever be mandated or coerced.

        But the one that has this group of people upset with me this week is…..
        South Dakota Private Property rights supersede the global warming propaganda induced Biden spending spree.

  4. GOP signed up for outrage politics, and they are getting outrage politicians. Seriously, who runs for a seat, stating folks are going to be offended? Oh, thats right… the new class of “GOP” candidates.

    1. Exactly, Tim. Too many mealy mouthed politicians as it is, beholden to the almighty $$ in Pierre (and CO2 pipelines, too).

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