Congressman Dusty Johnson Named Fiscal Hero

Johnson Named Fiscal Hero

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) received the Fiscal Hero Award from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

“It’s necessary to take our nation’s fiscal health seriously,” said Johnson. “One of my core values is good stewardship, and our government must spend taxpayer dollars responsibly. I’m honored to receive the Fiscal Hero Award and I won’t stop fighting to cut spending in Washington.”

“Fiscal responsibility is a stewardship, not only for Americans today but for generations of Americans to come. We applaud this year’s Fiscal Heroes, including Representative Johnson, for having the courage to prioritize our fiscal health and work towards achieving a more sustainable debt trajectory. Through legislation, speeches, engagement back home, and tough political decisions, these Members of Congress have distinguished themselves as leaders on these key issues, and we are honored to recognize and applaud them for their efforts. We look forward to seeing how these Fiscal Heroes will build on the momentum in the past year to make even greater strides going forward,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and head of Fix the Debt.

Fiscal Hero Awards are presented each Congress to recognize policymakers working to improve the nation’s fiscal situation and fix the budget process. Fiscal Heroes have distinguished themselves by pushing their party leaders to make debt a priority, leading bipartisan efforts to work through policy options to fix the debt and the budget process, taking responsible votes, participating in fiscally focused events, using their town hall meetings to engage and educate constituents, delivering floor speeches to raise awareness about the issue, advocating to keep tough choices on the table, and introducing legislation to improve the budget process and the nation’s fiscal position.

9 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson Named Fiscal Hero”

    1. The fake Republican that bottomed out in California and is being investigated for fraudulent signatures here in SD? How about nah.

      Those infected by Dusty Derangement Syndrome are physically incapable of thinking why it would be bad to remove the most effective GOP representative on agricultural issues while living in an agricultural state. If they want a Kulturkampf Warrior so badly they should pack their bags, move to CO, and help Boebert since she’s projected to lose her primary.

  1. “agricultural issues” are important but right now we need to save this country and Dusty is just talk. The 2 major issues that are threatening the USA are the national debt and the invasion of illegal aliens. Both issues could be forced our way with Biden and the democrats if since 2022 the Republican house would stop funding the USA with CRs and Omnibus bills which Dusty always votes for.

    1. this sounds like the 2007 pelosi plan – crash it all – build back different.
      you guys created TEA parties and MAGA in response to the dems 2009 one-party railroad job. i can’t wait to see what new scorched-earth evil springs from doing something that stupid a second time, except in the opposite direction.

      1. You are right Dusty has been funding the Pelosi budget and she has been out of speakership 1.5 years.Crs and omnibus bills just fund the last budget. Dusty has not denied Biden and the Democrats anything significant.

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