Dem Congressional Candidate Ryan Ryder cries uncle, and drops out of race for being a horses patoot

From Austin Goss @ Dakota News Now, Congressional Candidate Democrat Ryan Ryder is no longer a Congressional Candidate:

I suspect someone asked him how many tweets there were, and he had to admit a lot.

Probably for the best.

I do notice he is apologizing to Democrats “and to anyone else for whom these tweets reflected badly.” As opposed to apologizing for intimating that people he didn’t like should die from covid, or the other creepy stuff he said.

With a non-apology apology like this, he should not be running for anything.

5 thoughts on “Dem Congressional Candidate Ryan Ryder cries uncle, and drops out of race for being a horses patoot”

  1. Anyone have any historical comparison? This has to be one the shortest announced candidacies ever.

  2. I think Steve Hickey’s record for shortest congressional candidacy may have been broken.

    (I should say that Steve is a good guy and withdrew out of deference to Kristi Noem, not as a result of any scandal or wrongdoing.)

  3. That was quick. What are the chances they find another candidate in time to get them on the ballot? I think it is highly likely they won’t

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