Sanford Health requiring vaccines of employees, opponent advocates waving packets of nonsense and threatening citizens arrests

This week, Sanford Health announced that they are requiring their employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by November 1, in an effort to make sure that their own employees aren’t exposing already sick people to the virus which has already proven deadly in many cases, and seems to be mutating into some stronger versions (i.e. the Delta Variant). According to the Argus Leader:

According to a press release by the healthcare company, more than 90% of clinicians and 70% of nurses are already fully vaccinated. The new requirement also includes employees at all of Sanford’s Good Samaritan Society locations.

“This is the right thing to do for our patients and residents, people and communities,” said Bill Gassen, president and CEO of Sanford Health. “As more contagious COVID-19 variants continue to spread and threaten our communities, we must do everything we can to protect each other and our loved ones.”

Read the entire story here.

Of course, not every one is going to agree, which is entirely their right.

And since Sanford is a private organization, and we’re a free country, those that disagree have the right to go work elsewhere.

But for those that disagree, long-time anti-vaxxer and gubernatorial candidate Lora Hubbel stands ready to assist them in countermanding this action by telling them to go back at their employers with a stack of complete gobbledygook, encouraging them to make “a citizens arrest”:

She gave this to the Sioux Falls PD? How long do you think it took them to roll their eyes, and put it in the circular file?

If you look at the actual laws she’s citing, it makes even less sense than this crazy-person packet already did, as 34-22-6 says you can’t hold someone down and use physical force to vaccinate them against their will, and 34-22-45 is a law that offers first responders vaccines on a voluntary basis if they’re deployed to areas of bioterrorism attacks.  Neither of which apply to a health care employer saying that their employees need to be vaccinated so they don’t infect and possibly kill the sick and elderly who walk through the door.

So, waving this pile of nonsense will likely have no effect to those who choose to wave it at their employer.

Except maybe to hasten the amount of time until the HR Person asks for security to escort them from their office.

31 thoughts on “Sanford Health requiring vaccines of employees, opponent advocates waving packets of nonsense and threatening citizens arrests”

  1. It won’t work. The hospitals must force everyone, then, to disclose any communicable disease.

    Can’t selectively enforce this for covid.

    It’s the Devil’s work.

  2. many years ago when I went to work at a small hospital the policy required all employees to be vaccinated against rubella unless they could provide an excuse. Mine was that I’d already had it and could supply lab results to prove it (a test for immunity is standard with initial prenatal visits with every pregnancy, so many women have been tested without even knowing it.)
    That was all I had to do. Staff who don’t want the shot can be tested for antibodies to prove they’ve already had the disease. If they haven’t already caught it they are crazy to refuse the vaccine, and who wants to employ crazy people?

    Two things hospital administrators don’t want: the high cost of a sick employee: sick leave pay, overtime for healthy staff, and high medical insurance loss (that one, the medical loss ratio rebate provision of the ACA, rebates insurance premiums to employers of healthy staff. One employee spending a few weeks in intensive care with covid could wipe out that rebate.

    The other thing they don’t want is for a patient to catch Covid from one of the staff, or to claim that’s where they got it, and sue them. Other than that, hospital administrators don’t care who lives or dies.

    1. People who don’t want to be injected with a rushed vaccine that still may have huge dangers makes us crazy? Wow what a statement. I will take my chances with the crazy people rather than a group who is so caught up on safety. Life is not safe. I will take freedom over safety any day. So the rest of you authoritarian thugs can have safety and leave us freedom lovers alone.

      1. I was also thinking that calling anyone who is leery of taking the vaccine crazy was a bit arrogant. I already had the Wuhan Virus (sorry, Anthony), so I am not in any rush to get the vaccine that, not long ago, Kommielaw Harris was saying she wouldn’t take because it was the “Trump” vaccine.

      2. I agree the use of the word “crazy” is hyperbolic, not helpful and a personal opinion of personal judgement of individual personal risk tolerance.

        That said and to Anne’s point, despite still being a conditionally approved vaccine (not necessarily a negative), the known statistical risk of getting Covid is higher than the risk of the vaccine which makes refusal to be vaccinated a personal decision not rational based on known risk of a binary comparison of only two factors- risjk of Covid vs. risk of vaccine.

        However, a lot of sane, thoughtful people take personal risks I would not take. Similarly, a lot of sane thoughtful people do not take risks I take.

        In short, we need to be more respectful and less denigrating of people who make different decisions than I do.

        1. Trying to shame the holdouts has failed spectacularly. Insulting and degrading them as “morons” or “ignorant” has resulted in a vicious pushback and a hardening of positions on getting vaccinated.

          A study done at MIT showed that a substantial portion of public-health skepticism was highly informed, scientifically literate, and sophisticated in the use of data.

          1. I agree. But make no mistake. Those who insulted and shameddon’t want them to get vaccinated. They want the demonized to serve a political narrative.

            1. I know, just thought it was the appropriate place to drop the info. It’s a sad ordeal and is creating more division. One of my friends will be quitting and she’s an amazing nurse.

              Many of my friends and family are hesitant for several reasons but mostly because it’s not FDA approved and there is a lack of safety trials.

  3. While I understand the animus towards Cory’s blog when he (they) go off the rails (which definitely is way too often) they still sometimes provide good information like this article that COVID-19 is linked to a substantial drop in intelligence. “People who have recovered from COVID-19 tend to score significantly lower on an intelligence test compared to those who have not contracted the virus, according to new research published in The Lancet journal EClinicalMedicine. The findings suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 can produce substantial reductions in cognitive ability, especially among those with more severe illness.” Do you want these people performing your medical procedures? And all the other critical things in every avenue of life that a previously competent licensed or credentialed person may no longer be capable of doing. There are times when if not for the highest ethical reasons, at least the liability forces institutions to do the right thing.

  4. Said it before, those of higher IQs are the ones already vaccinated. If nothing else, the millions of dollars it will cost YOU to stay alive on ventilators for weeks on end, with 24 hr nonstop doctor/nursing care, or till death, should give additional impetus to get vaccinated. A host of vaccinations are required in both schools and hospitals already to protect the public from dying off like is happening with COVID.

  5. Employers are free to discern policies for their employees as to what they think necessary to protect their employees, customers, suppliers, or from lawsuits from the public (ala no dope, alcolohol or drug impairment, even small toleration).

    Employees are free to reject these policies and find a different employer.

    What I reject is the vehemence with which a certain segment demands vaccinations but reject the use of substances which cause mental impairment or attendance requirements or leave policies or personal hygiene/appearance/clothing standards. You can’t have it both ways. Either employers can impose requirements for employment or they can not.

  6. I would gently and respectfully challenge the folks who approve of this vaccine (its not a vaccine) and forcing/shaming folks for not taking it to watch the video imbedded in the link below. I will not take it for 5 major reasons
    – its not a vaccine!! This is a fact!!!
    – Its experimental
    – The pharmaceutical industry has been indemnified and I just do not trust them any longer.
    – I have NO clue what the long term affects are and no one does
    – This virus has a high survivability rate, I will take my chances

    I just ask my fellow Conservatives/Republicans to think LONG and hard about the long term impacts of your stances on shamming/forcing folks to take medication that are concerned about. If we keep going down the “private businesses can do what they want”, you are going down a slippery slope. I believe this to be medical discrimination for those who don’t want to participate. What happens if all businesses get pressured into requiring this and now I cannot work or find a job and now I am pushed out of society and unable to support myself or my family. I am very very concerned about peoples attitudes about giving up freedom for the appearance of safety.

    I believe this is a personal choice, plain and simple, just like all choices in this medical field should be. No one, and I a mean NO ONE should have the right to inquire about my medical status nor force me to take something as a condition of my employment. As a side note I am not anti-vax or anti-science and I respect those who choose to take this vaccine.

    1. Still no takers? Not surprised. Our family physician didn’t even recommended we get it.

      1. Its because we have too many sheep that just TRUST the Govt and Big Pharma are on our side. They care nothing for us and only want money and power. I just cannot believe folks wont even look into it and say MAYBE this sounds like not the best idea and be curious.

        1. Sheep are easy to herd, I agree. There’s so much history of the govt and big pharma betraying people. Just recently J&J recalled sunscreen, they can’t even get that right. “I just cannot believe folks wont even look into it”. I bet you can though.

          Are you familiar with ICAN? Great resource. Through the courts they’ve been able to force the CDC to be more truthful.

  7. Trump got vaccinated. He must be a sheep, too? I got the shot because I’m sick of covid and mask mandates to fly and in businesses that required them. Can’t we all just get the shot and move on?! There are fights worth fighting, but this isn’t one of them.

    Let’s pray there isn’t a variant that ends up killing kids because we didn’t create real herd immunity quick enough.

    1. As for the sheep comment, it’s meant for people who do what they are told without question. Joe Biden said it so it must be true, off to the doctor office. That’s what I see… Can’t we all just get the shot and move on? I need to travel so I’ll just get it no matter what the side effects may be. IMO that’s sheep mentality.

      I watched Senator Ron Johnson’s press conference. I listened to a mother in Utah warn parents about the possible dangers of COVID-19 vaccines after her 17-year-old, basketball-playing son got a shot and developed three blood clots in and near his brain. I know that children are experiencing heart inflammation. I’ve looked at the VAERS reports. I’m going to question what’s happening before I just get a shot and move on.

      Trump is old, he may think it’s appropriate for him. I’m sure he has a team of doctors making recommendations. If you want to get the shot so you can fly for business, that’s great for you. How’s that mask mandate working out? Didn’t the CDC say even the vaccinated should be wearing a mask? After that you don’t question if the shot really works? You don’t feel fooled at all?

      1. That is extremely insulting about Trump and makes it clear you think him not in control of his faculties. Hmmmm

        That said, I appreciate the risks of the vaccine but it is a sheep who doesn’t compare the risks of the vaccine vs. the risks of getting Covid. And, like the CDC who only gives one side of the issue, it is a dishonest person who only presents the risk of the vaccine.

        1. To say that he is old and has a team of doctors to make recommendations for him is insulting? Maybe you too are old so I understand how you might interpret that as insulting. There is a high risk group that should strongly consider getting the jab, he’s in it. I never mentioned his faculties.

          Present it then, present the risks of getting Covid. If I get Covid the chances are extremely high I will beat it. My immune system is able to fight it. The CDC lies, politicians lie, the govt lies. I have to do my own research, I have to question and the answers I found say it’s not necessary and potentially more dangerous for me to take the shot.

          Again, IMO sheep do not question, they get a shot just so they can take a mask off (which isn’t the case anyway) or so they can travel.

          1. Risks of covid: Death. Long covid. Weeks to months unable to work while ill.

            None of those options were okay with me. I got the shot months ago and almost all R’s I know got it too because we have too much to lose by getting covid or passing it to our old and young loved ones.

            Risks of the vaccine may be unknown long term. We were willing to take the risk when weighing it versus the known risks of covid. I suppose next you’re going to say covid isn’t actually real.

            Again, Trump got the shot. He must be a sheep then. Same with our delegation and Governor. You just assume those of us that got the shot didn’t ponder any risks before doing so? Get a life. Our lives, businesses, and families were more important to us than our fear of the unknown tied to the vaccine.

            There are a lot of sheep out there, and I’m not one of them. Are you? You have been ingrained to think EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING lies or is a lie. What a horrible way to live a cynical and miserable life. Someone or something led you down this path, and I would suggest you try to get off of it before you run out of life to live. Good luck.

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