SDGOP Statement on President Trump’s Visit to South Dakota

SDGOP Chairman’s Statement on President Trump’s Visit to South Dakota

South Dakota Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman is excited for the occasion of President Trump’s visit to South Dakota to take part in a fundraising rally for the Kristi Noem for Governor Campaign tomorrow in Sioux Falls.

“It’s truly an honor any time our nation’s president makes a visit to our state,” Lederman said. “As a Republican organization, we’re electrified that we get to host our Republican President Donald Trump at a political campaign event for the next Governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem. It’s a lot of star power, and clearly shows that the party is unified behind her campaign.”

22 thoughts on “SDGOP Statement on President Trump’s Visit to South Dakota”

    1. You really have no awareness how stupid your continual use of this makes you look do you?

      Two little factual things for you to consider:

      While Trump is lambasting German purchase of Russian oil and natural gas, Hillary sold Russia 10% of our uranium.

      While the Trump is being investigated for Russian collusion for which the only evidence is what can be called entrapment, Hillary’s campaign actually engaged and paid money to the Russians.

      But, keep it up. It is pretty consistent with your bozo’s on the Judiciary committee this week.

      1. Troy, don’t try to use facts, you just confuse leftwing loons like Anon 10:26. It’s just a pity that they see themselves as intellectually superior.

    2. It’s nice that Pat lets people post stupid things here; he is more fair than the liberals at Twitter and FaceBook. He let’s anyone post stupid stuff such at Anon 10:26.

      Just who was actually working with the Russians in the 2016 election? It was Hillary and Fusion GPS in conjunction with Ohr and his wife Nellie. I know facts are not appreciated by some, but who cares.

      1. The liberals are scared to death on their sights to let anyone else post stuff, they just want to spew lies.

  1. I am grateful that Patriots like General Mattis are around to minimize the harms of this one term occupant of the White House. They are sane and help temper the damage to an extent or this country and the world would be buried in Radioactive ash.

    1. Were you grateful for a Patriot like Obama? Oh, wait, he was no patriot, nor is Hillary, nor is Slick Willy, nor is Schumer, nor is Pelosi, nor is Sanders, nor is Durbin, nor is Ocasio-Cortez, nor is Warren, nor is Leahy, nor is Biden, and on and on and on. Trump has done more in a year and half to do good for the country than Obama did in 8 years-actually, Obummer tried to ruin the country (yes, it was a concerted effort by him; he hates America as it is and thinks he-in all his “brilliance”-knows better about what America should be).

  2. Trump: “There was no meeting”.

    A month later…

    “There was a meeting but it was about adoption and I didn’t know about it”

    Month later….

    “I guess I knew about the meeting but it was to get dirt on Hillary.”

    Month later….

    “I guess we did meet to get info on Hillary after they told us they could help but it’s not collusion”…so I did know about the meeting all along

    But but but Hillary’s emails….

    You guys keep defending the serial liar with your great Christian morals. Republicans have no moral foundation anymore.

  3. May God Bless General Mattis in all his endeavors for America and his travels into hostile territory.
    Foot note: I have friends in the military who love him like a brother and father. That says a whole lot about the Man.

  4. “Bob Woodward’s meticulous, frightening look inside the Trump White House” The Washington Post.

    Looking forward to this event in Sioux Falls with Kristi there. Will Dusty be there too? Curious if Putin Puppet Trump will surprise the donors and press with bringing Maria Bultina and claim all the charges were fake

    1. It’s an event specifically for Kristi- he may be there in attendance, but likely not receiveing money from this event.

      Hell- Kristi will need all she can get- I’ll be voting for Billie.

      Pierre needs a change- too much of a good ol’ boys club.

      1. Yes, let’s break up the Pierre good ol’ boys club by electing a boy that has been there for 8 years…

        1. Yeah being in the minority party with a super majority in power with numerous scandals in the state and real issues of the state never being addressed.

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