This should be named the clip of the day! Congressman drowns out protester with Auction chant.

It’s been a few years since I’ve called an auction of any sort. But as a graduate of “the World Wide College of Auctioneering in Mason City Iowa,” it’s good to see the training can come in handy in a political setting:

9 thoughts on “This should be named the clip of the day! Congressman drowns out protester with Auction chant.”

  1. Loved it!! The protestors are just making fools of themselves and whatever their cause of the day is.

  2. Have they made that Sen Kyl appointment yet? they might need to move this guy to AZ temporarily and put him on judiciary!

    1. Because she is making a point about Twitter trying (yes, trying) to stifle conservative speech? Don’t doubt that they are along with FB and Google. And, no, I don’t listen to Alex Jones.

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