US Senate Democrat Brian Bengs pre-primary FEC Report: $24k raised. $41k Spent. And a $20k loan to keep it going. No race, and already upside down.

Wow. Even with a completely cleared field and no primary, Democrat candidate for the US Senate Brian Bengs is doing badly. Really, really badly.

Brian Bengs Pre Primary by Pat Powers on Scribd

In the latest FEC report, Bengs reported $24,075.40 in donations. Against which, he spent $41,124. He does report $45,312 cash on hand, but that’s after a $20,000 loan to his campaign. I don’t think this is going in the right direction.

What’s sucking his cash down faster than it can come in? Bengs reports having several employees, three of which are in another state (Norfolk, VA, Virginia Beach, VA, and Grapevine TX), and one in Sioux Falls. Which is probably par for the course for Democrats in the state.

But, wow. Nevermind US Senate. He might just elect himself into the poorhouse at this rate.

6 thoughts on “US Senate Democrat Brian Bengs pre-primary FEC Report: $24k raised. $41k Spent. And a $20k loan to keep it going. No race, and already upside down.”

  1. Very bright and served with honor in our military yet the challenges that remain are that the SDDP is a broken political party. #2 Candidate Bengs is too moderate for the Extreme Left in South Dakota that call for the 2nd Amendment to be Repealed.

    1. No one is calling for the 2nd amendment to be repealed. Quit being so dramatic.

  2. Ever think he has friends and relatives from out of state trying to help him out? Of course you don’t The Republican party is shallow and power hungry Just ask Kristi Antoinette. Her speech in Texas is sooooooooooo SD Values

    1. I’d like to know what statues Kristi is so fond of. Which are heros to her?

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