Minnehaha GOP meeting ends in no confidence in chair, and chaos
Sounds like the Minnehaha County Central Committee meeting went from bad to chaos today, according to reports.
After 2/3 of the Minnehaha County GOP at the meeting voted to add a motion of no confidence to the agenda, a vote was held where a majority expressed their dissatisfaction with the quality of the chair.
No surprise, but I’m hearing they expressed they have no confidence in R. Shawn in a vote that went 28-23, but Tornow declared they could not remove him, and he would be chair until an election was held.
As they moved towards a similar no-confidence vote on the Secretary, a substitute motion for adjournment was called by a Tornow ally which the chair quickly recognized, supposedly without a vote, despite not being through the meeting agenda, because he saw the way this was going.
Tornow’s tenure has been marked by a lack of competence, and that fact has not been missed by a majority of the central committee. He might try to cut off his detractors by adjournment, but R. Shawn might just have been put on notice that his days are numbered.