Libertarian state party convention scheduled for today. God announces “Oh, Hell no.”

Press Release

God sends plague of ice as gentle reminder for Libertarians to be good to their fellow man as they consider nominations for Governor at State Convention

Acknowledging the Libertarian State Party convention is today in Sioux Falls and that party members will be selecting their candidate for Governor between CJ Abernathey and Steve Novotny, God, through his spokesperson Mother Nature, has announced “Oh, Hell no” and sent a record ice/snow storm as a gentle hint to be good to one another, and to consider someone other than those two idiots.

The plague of frogs will begin if attendees do not heed the warning of the Lord.

Seriously though, the Libertarian State Convention is scheduled for today, and apparently it is going to go on as scheduled. According to the group’s Facebook page it was looking like a skinny crowd to begin with..:

…with about 16 people indicating they are interested in being stranded with the Libertarians at the Sioux Falls Clubhouse and Suites. With this weekend’s storms, it’s likely to cut numbers significantly.

While CJ Abernathey has taken a break from making misogynistic statements in the past week, mainly shifting to talking about Admiralty law nuttery…

..the candidate with a record of protection orders against him for stalking, as well as a history of bigoted and offensive statements, Steve Novotny, is apparently making a point to officially announce that various bloggers and commenters have officially gotten into his head, and his program tonight is going to be based on attacking the people talking about his prior statements.

Since Novotny looks forward to answering any and all questions Libertarians may wish to ask of him, might I suggest asking him to define a term he was using in an October 2017 facebook post:

Honest to god, I have to admit that’s a slur I hadn’t heard before. But the bigger question is why anyone would want to consider someone for public office who tosses out such bigotry as this, and seemingly calling Native Americans “worthless bastards.”

Good luck tonight…

Release: Jackley Releases Fourth Statewide TV Ad: “Judges”

Jackley Releases Fourth Statewide TV Ad: “Judges”

PIERRE, SD: Attorney General Marty Jackley’s family steals the show in the latest statewide television commercial released by his campaign for governor.

“I think a lot of South Dakotans have come to know Marty as their law and order, tough on crime attorney general—but he also has a caring side and a great sense of humor,” said Angela Jackley, who makes an appearance in the ad with children Michael and Isabella.

This is the fourth statewide ad to highlight Jackley’s conservative agenda, including the protection of human life, the defense of the Second Amendment and a limited government approach to job creation and economic mobility.

“My family means everything to me,” Jackley said. “They’ve been by my side throughout this campaign just like our supporters have. Angela, Michael, Isabella and I had fun with our newest TV ad, and we hope the rest of South Dakota enjoys it, too.”

The ad comes at a busy time for the Jackley family. In addition to dance recitals and sports events, the attorney general is finalizing his preparation for a landmark Supreme Court case.

“Despite Marty’s hectic travel schedule, he always makes time for the children when he’s home,” Angela said. “We’re so proud of him. He’s doing what he does best—fighting for the state he loves and the people he cares about.”

Watch the new ad on youtube :


A tale of two campaigns. Jordan Mason explains his movement from the Tapio campaign to the Krebs campaign

Campaign consultant Jordan Mason, currently managing Lance Russell’s effort for Attorney General, offered a comment this morning (Under the Neal Tapio FEC Report post) about appearing on Congressional Candidate Neal Tapio’s campaign finance form as having done work for him, while also circulating petitions for Congressional Candidate Shantel Krebs.

You see…. it’s all about divisions.

It’s just like having one division writing against ballot initiatives, and another going to work for a ballot initiative to increase taxes.

Got it?

Steve Novotny apparently hates “the old protection order bull*hit.” Bonus rant from Libertarian Candidate for Gov.

This one is just too good to save. From June 2016, Libertarian Candidate for Governor Steve Novotny apparently has some choice opinion about women. And he appears to dislike “the old protection order bullshit.”  From Libertarian Candidate for Governor Steve Novotny’s public Facebook page:

Nice how he tells the woman who challenges his opinion to “STFU” and that women play the sex card at every turn.

On that note, I was told today by a Libertarian Party member that that actually have a “None of the Above clause” in their nomination bylaws.

With the candidates for Governor that Libertarians have on deck, “None of the above” might be looking  like a pretty attractive candidate option at the moment.


Thune Statement on Trade Meeting With President Trump

Thune Statement on Trade Meeting With President Trump

“There are no winners in a trade war, particularly farmers and ranchers. I remain hopeful that the president and his administration will take this into consideration as they craft future trade policy, and I’m certainly going to continue to pressure them to do so.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Finance Committee and Senate Agriculture Committee, today issued the following statement after he met with President Trump to discuss U.S. trade policy and the potential adverse effects that a trade war could have on South Dakota’s agriculture industry.

“Agriculture is the lifeblood for South Dakota, especially for the thousands of hardworking farmers and rancherswhose goals really are to earn a living and to help feed the world by working the land and raising livestock,” said Thune. “They can only accomplish these goals if they have access to markets around the world. That was a message that I conveyed to the president today and stressed the critically important role that agriculture plays in local economies in rural America. There are no winners in a trade war, particularly farmers and ranchers. I remain hopeful that the president and his administration will take this into consideration as they craft future trade policy, and I’m certainly going to continue to pressure them to do so.”


Thune: Tax Reform is Helping the Economy Grow

Thune: Tax Reform is Helping the Economy Grow

“So far, more than 500 companies – and counting – have announced pay raises, bonuses, 401(k) match increases and other benefits, business expansions, and utility rate cuts.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), a member of the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee, this week discussed how reforming the business tax code through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has helped create jobs and expand opportunities for the American worker. Thune continued by discussing how businesses have offered pay raises, bonuses, and 401(k) match increases. Businesses have also expanded, and utility rates have been cut throughout the United States. These new opportunities and benefits for the American worker are helping the economy to grow.

Neal Tapio files first FEC Report: $7k raised, $16.7K Spent ($12k of it on Shad Olson) and $95.6k cash on hand after $105k in loans from candidate.

Here’s the Tapio FEC Report:

Tapio FEC q1 2018 by Pat Powers on Scribd

It’s pretty self explanatory. Neal raised $7355 dollars, spent $16,779.37, and is reporting $95,600.63 cash on hand after Neal loaned his campaign $105,025.00 out of his pocket.

Where did his cash raised come from? Sharon Fuhrmann of Aberdeen was among his major donors, as well as a Richard Uihlein of Lake Forest, Illinois, who is known as a megadonor to conservative causes.

As far as where it has gone, looks like he spent some money with Jordan Mason with Launch Collective for his website, spent another $1500 on his website, bought some radio ads, travel, and other regular expenses.

But, the lion’s share of the campaign funds have gone to Shad Olson, who out of the $16,779.37 in operating expenditures, the campaign is reporting he has so far gotten $12,000 out of Neal in the two months he’s been active for “campaign consulting.”

We’ll see if he’s worth it.

Libertarian Candidate for Governor Steve Novotny says he knows “common Indian” well, women lie to get protection orders, and worse.

In an effort to research Steve Novotny, the candidate from Winner running for the highest state elected office in South Dakota, while I had earlier written about his history of protection orders against stalking, I come to find that a simple review of his personal facebook page provides a more frightening picture of the man who wants to be the Libertarian’s candidate for Governor.

Apparently I only scratched the surface when I posted a couple of things from him warning about blacks and indigenous people stealing white farmer’s land. Because it gets worse.   But don’t take it from me, take it from Steve Novotny, since they’re his words.

In relation to the prior legal issues Novotny found himself facing, he had previously offered that many women lie to obtain protection orders:

And that he seems to consume a lot of Facebook rants to spew them back, unintelligently…

In case you were looking for various slurs like “gooks,” “moooslims” etc.

I’m sure at least one of the things he’s talking about here will earn him a visit from the Secret Service, but Novotny is definitely not a fan of president Obama or his daughter:

Novotny is apparently not a fan of immigrants…

..but he does have some kind words for Vladmir Putin..

And the comment I grabbed is probably one that’s going to raise the most questions of a man running to be Governor of South Dakota:

Novotny says “I know the common Indian well, and this is the rule of life with these worthless bastards not the exception..”   Wow. Not often I’m speechless, but wow.

I would add that I left many of the things I clipped out, because the post was getting a little long.

I think it’s safe to say that between the protection orders issued against him, and what a person finds form a cursory review of his personal facebook page, Libertarians should be horrified that a candidate like Steve Novotny wants to take the stage to ask the people gathered at the convention for their vote.

Maybe the guy who wants to burn the flag and says the constitution doesn’t exist isn’t looking quite so bad anymore.

The Libertarian convention is on Saturday.