Pennington County GOP complains about representation. What about Frye-Mueller Fridays?

The Pennington County Republicans were complaining in a press release yesterday, and Citizens for Liberty activist Tonchi Weaver was lamenting to the Dakota Scout with regards to the quality of the representation they have with 2 vacancies waiting for direction by the Supreme Court on conflicts-of-interest, as well as their gripe with State Senator Julie Frye-Mueller not being assigned to committees after last session’s perverted employee breastfeeding harassment case.

In all these discussions about the quality of representation, I don’t see anyone from these groups lamenting how many legislative days that Senator Julie Frye-Mueller skips. Such as skipping the day after her suspension ended this last session to issue a press release complaining how her suspension prevented her “ability to fulfill her duties of office,” as well as other times.  I’ve had it noted to me that if one reviews her entire legislative career, she was not that many days off of having skipped a full legislative session, with another former legislator quipping to me about “Frye-Mueller Fridays” in the past where you could tell it was Friday, as JFM would abandon ship early, or just not show up.

If we’re to take these groups seriously, maybe they should chastise their members who just don’t show up to do their jobs. Instead of ranking them over all other legislators because she’s married to a leader in these groups.

Just a thought.

6 thoughts on “Pennington County GOP complains about representation. What about Frye-Mueller Fridays?”

  1. Wait, so you’re saying that boob men are perverts?

    Like .. what kind of statistical sample did you take?

    It’s politicized.

    East River vs West River rousting.

    It’s not new ..

    1. No, people who push their beliefs onto others regarding sexual activities when that person is in a position of authority is completely inappropriate and perverted. John, there is no justification for the conversation that occurred so maybe the voters should be a little better at picking their candidates or enjoy the bed you make.

    2. workplace abuse is no joke. infantile histrionics when your peers demand that you do your job are no joke. we didn’t lack freedom under prior administrations, and we don’t gain freedom when someone demonstrates they don’t understand what their job requires from them. i’m totally talking about ex president trump, but if you want to apply my comment to any of his supporters, you always have that freedom.

  2. I find it ironic that JFM and her cronies have the gall to question the “quality” of representation for District 30, etc. Just look at JFM’s record, or lack thereof, it shows that since being elected to the legislature, she has been the prime sponsor of 52 bills with 4 actually passing – that’s a 7.7% success rate. 4 of these bills were withdrawn and 44 failed. So much for the idea of “quality” representation, huh?

  3. Right on Black Hills Bob! The 7.7% were also mostly watered down to make them palatable. Of course, it is hard to be in touch when you leave Thurdays and come back, at times, on Tuesday. Her excuse that she needs to “run a business” makes me wonder if she should have had the common sense not to run for office at all, but then again, it is all about Julie the Martyr.

  4. Mike Mueller is no longer on the board of CFL in any capacity. Julie did not “run a business”, her sister Jodie was and is manager of the store owned by their mother, Eva Frye and their deceased father, Roger Frye.

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