SD Ag’s office joins amicus brief for election lawsuit

A note just came out from the South Dakota Attorney Generals’ office, indicating they’re joining an amicus brief for an election related lawsuit that was recently filed.  As noted by Tim Bormann, Chief of Staff for SDWG Jason Ravnsborg:

The State of South Dakota believes in free and fair elections.  Our office has received thousands of calls and emails from concerned citizens and we have listened to our constituents and voters.  That is why South Dakota has, today, joined the Amicus Brief of the State of Missouri in support of State of Texas v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Georgia, State of Michigan, and State of Wisconsin.

The Texas lawsuit was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and asks the U.S. Supreme Court to block the battleground states from casting “unlawful and constitutionally tainted votes” in the Electoral College.

38 thoughts on “SD Ag’s office joins amicus brief for election lawsuit”

  1. Reading the basis of the case and if they get standing, Its the best argument.
    Not sure of its chances but it will get heard and states will have to defend why they didn’t follow their own constitutions. Politicians and judges changing the law without following their own constitution is a slippery slope that even liberal SCOTUS members will struggle with. It’s the basis of the rule of law.
    What are yours and Troy’s thoughts?

    1. From the Texas suit:

      “The probability of former Vice President Biden winning the popular vote in the four Defendant States—Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—independently given President Trump’s early lead in those States as of 3 a.m. on November 4, 2020, is less than one in a quadrillion, or 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000. For former Vice President Biden to win these four States collectively, the odds of that event happening decrease to less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth power (i.e., 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,0004).”

      Come on Jason Ravnsborg – give it your best. You signed on to this idiocy. Come on here and defend that sham of a calculation, for everybody to see. I double dog dare ya.

  2. I applaud this decision as should every American who believes there should be integrity in our elections. There are far too many irregularities to simply look the other way, and even Democrats should want elections to be fair.

  3. So….. the collective determination by dozens of courts at nearly every level have decided that the defendant states have followed all applicable election laws in the counting of ballots is not enough for a crackpot AG in Texas? Now, SD has to join in the insanity and an embattled South Dakota AG needs to embarrass himself and his professional staff by signing on to this crazy lawsuit.

    Who is the client in this instance? The thousands of Trump voters in South Dakota who seek to disenfranchise millions of votes in the defendant states? Or perhaps the client is a deeply sycophantic governor who continues to deny the reality that her candidate lost, spending days away from the Covid fires at home in order to build her national brand.

    Does the South Dakota AG owe some level of fealty to Governor Noem given his personal peril? She can’t remove him, but she can certainly end his political career.

    1. They didn’t follow their own constitution when they arbitrarily changed the criteria for voting. Its actually pretty simple. Sounds like your worried. I can see why. 🙂

      1. Not worried at all. 50 court losses mean something. Release the kraken already! Sorry that your feelings are hurt.

    2. You can agree that the corrective measure (curing the election), but you can’t argue the point of fact that the election was stolen .. sloppily.

      The first step to making a more secure voting system is to correct the obvious rampant vote/election crime wave. President Trump must receive the 2nd term he earned.

      Next, clean the roles, then run manually created paper ballot elections only. Need more precincts to count quickly in parallel.

      The DNC is marching naked in the parade, but the public now knows the tailors.

      Both parties have been overtaken at one moment of history or another. On the 12th of this month in DC we should have some concrete evidence of the extent of the Trump doctrine’s supplanting within the RNC. RINO/Neocon/Neolib warmongering is a political proposal being vomited up by main stream America like poison.

      It’s an ugly scene, but necessary to survival.


    3. You can agree that the corrective measure (curing the election)

      should read

      You can argue about the corrective measure (curing the election)

  4. What an embarrassment. He lost. He’s raising a ton on money. So dysfunctional. We all own this forever.

    1. Yeah right you and me and everyone we know are going to “OWN” the freaking insane “NEW GREEN DEAL”! Just how many millions of starving world citizens are you prepared for?

      1. So, because you don’t like this particular policy (it’s the GREEN NEW DEAL, by the way), millions of voters in those 4 states should be disenfranchised? Do you really believe that, Charlie? Come on.

        1. How about instead the millions of people who voted LEGALLY who are disenfranchised by the illegal votes? I am more concerned for them.

          1. Yeah that North Korean boat in Maine coupled with the efforts of Hugo Chavez really were about passing the green new deal. INVESTIGATE!

            Stupid is as stupid does-D Trump 2020

  5. Bravo. I was glad to see SD join in the fun.

    This seems to have been the primary strategy, developed all along while other gadflies pursued other lower probability strategies.

    If Trump is victorious and SCOTUS cures the election, will it be because the Trump team had the silver bullet of secret ballot identification and surveillance?

  6. “It would be saying, ‘Look, let’s not follow the vote of the people, let’s instead do it what we want, that would not be the way a democratic republic ought to work.” “This is madness.”

    Mitt Romney

      1. How Mr. elk is the constitution being thrown under the bus? That is an uneducated statement coming from. Pretty dumb.

  7. Ilk
    The states didn’t follow their own constitution
    That’s the basis of the case. They arbitrarily changed how voting is done.

    1. Please explain for the class how these 4 states “violated their own constitutions” over mail-in balloting, and then, how are states like Texas and Florida who did the same thing, are not affected?

      Christ. The Texas AG even admits it: from Fox News, “Paxton reiterated his argument that if those states acted out of accordance with the Constitution, Texans would also be affected.”

      All 50 states have now certified their election results, and Trump lost fair and square. Like y’all told the rest of the country 4 years ago, “Get over it.”

      1. Further to Ike’s request, perhaps someone can explain this quandry: One of the basic principles of Republicans has been states’ rights over their own actions without intervention and interference from the federal government (and as a logical extension, other states). Another principle is a strict constructionist view of interpretation of the US Constitution. The last three appointments (made by Trump) were specifically selected on the basis that they hold this viewpoint.

        The actions of the Texas AG, and by extension, the assortment of 17 other AGs, cannot defend their position on either of these two basic principles. First, Texas shouldn’t have standing to impose it’s interpretation of other state laws concerning the administration of their elections. Texas (and by extention all states) controls only its electors through state-administered elections. Secondly, under Article II, the individual states appoint their electors in a manner which they decide through their legislatures. There is no differentiation between state and federal elections.

        Trump has turned numerous principles of Republican ideology on their head. These two are just the latest, but hopefully they will be the last.

        1. “Secondly, under Article II, the individual states appoint their electors in a manner which they decide through their legislatures. There is no differentiation between state and federal elections.”

          Thus my opening post on this thread. If they have standing.

          They determine their legislatures didn’t get a say per their constitutions and didn’t follow proper procedures. The first is the big question as it may be a states rights issue but other states were harmed if they didn’t follow the rule of law. It’s way more complicated then a simple dismissal and its new ground for the courts to decide.

          I have no idea how they will rule with the judges we have. RBG had said it Bush v Gore that the drop dead date is January 6th I think. Its a Hail Marry but has more chances then I’d care to bet either way.

          I have no idea on this ruling.

    2. Don’t bother with Ilk. He refuses to see beyond his libtard nose and he’s like trying to reason with a brick……only the brick has a useful purpose.

  8. Today’s Trump Tweets: “People are upset, and they have a right to be. Georgia not only supported Trump in 2016, but now. This is the only State in the Deep South that went for Biden? Have they lost their minds? This is going to escalate dramatically. This is a very dangerous moment in our history,” and “The fact that our country is being stolen. A coup is taking place in front of our eyes, and the public can’t take this anymore.”

    Somebody has lost his mind, alright. Trump is going off the deep end. I am a Republican but we are now getting dangerously close to anarchy. Thune, Rounds and Johnson better do something. Stand up to this. Congressional leaders had better put a stop to it while it’s still possible.

    He lost. The courts have ruled against him. The leaders of these states have said it was a legitimate election. Attorney General Barr has said that there was no significant fraud. The Supreme Court denied Trump’s case. What more do you need?

    1. A couple more tweets like that and you might have to kiss your 401K goodbye. The stock market doesn’t care much for uncertainty.

  9. No surprise the readership is neck deep in OAN nonsense.
    Trump lost.
    Get over it.

    Another waste of time and resources by the SD AG, who should have resigned months ago.

  10. Republicans believe in states’ rights until states do things they don’t like. This Texas argument is the most perverted form of federalism that I have ever heard of.

  11. If roles were reversed and the GOP had pulled the shenanigans that the dems did this time around, there would be rioting in the streets. Everyone knows this. And now the Hunter Biden stories come out, so next ole Joe will be implicated and impeached or resign, and socialist Harris will take over. The only joy i will feel is when all those who voted for this wake up and see what they have created and regret it because not all dems believe in socialusm either, they just hated Trump.

    I hope the Supreme Court has the wisdom to preserve the USA. Shumer admitted if they win Geoegia they will change the USA. I happen to like it now, faults and all.

    1. These “shenanigans” are 1-46. The Trump administration has become the New York Jets of the American presidency.

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