Local Conservative group founder Adam Broin manages to offend the Hindu religion

Patriot Ripple Effect co-founder Adam Broin is in the news again today. But not for his proto-conservative group protesting vaccination across from a children’s hospital or excommunicating his group’s heretics, or any of their usual activities.  Today it is his own business who has managed to offend the entire local Hindu religious community, as he put their diety on a pair of cufflinks that he charges nearly $1000 for, according to Dakota News Now:

In the store, Adam Broin has a heartfelt letter talking about how cufflinks and tie bars were a huge part of his grandfather’s legacy and how he continues it forward for future generations.

When it comes to the topic of the Hindu cufflinks, there is no comment.

As of October 4, the cufflinks were no longer posted on the store’s website. However, the local Hindu community continues to ask for an apology.

Read the entire story here.

Go read the entire story for all the context. I wonder how much of the $1000 he gets for each pair that he’s planning on offering to donate to their community center?

$1000 for a pair of cufflinks? Good lord. Obviously I don’t shop there.

According to the story, they exploit other religions in the form of cufflinks as well. Someone will have to tell me if there are there little tiny diamond encrusted stigmata on the Christian ones.

8 thoughts on “Local Conservative group founder Adam Broin manages to offend the Hindu religion”

  1. The Reagan Republicans HAVE to get their party back. The Trump cult just gets crazier.

  2. I’m confused. What was the cufflink? If it was literally just a cow then who cares? A picture of the cufflink would be helpful.

  3. What an absolutely NOTHING story. If you don’t like the prices, don’t shop there. He doesn’t owe anyone an apology. This story was meant to cancel and harm a business. Slow day in the newsroom??

  4. The only thing to do here is keep them in the store.

    Who cares if some group gets offended.

    Today cuff links, tomorrow .. anything else not invented here.

    Maybe they Hindu community would like to help us facilitate an audit of the H1B and OPT programs?

    Are you more offended by cuff links or the fact that future proof American jobs are being stolen through fraud?

    Glass houses and whatnot.

  5. Protesting vaccinations across from a children’s hospital actually makes sense, especially if the protest pertains to mandatory vaccinations for children. Perhaps you aren’t aware that the vaccination issue is controversial.

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